Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rodrigo #2 Video

I would strongly reccomend downloading the Full Video in HD by right clicking on the link below and selecting "Save Target As..."  then wait for it to download (probably an hour depending on your connection speed). 

VIDEO Link  (To download, right-click > "Save Target As...")

or if your not that patient then watch it below but I must warn you that there are pictures and stuff missing if you watch/stream it via youtube below.

In case you couldnt tell from the video once i brought the plane back around I tried to fly Rodrigo upside down....  Why didnt I just fly the plane normal for one full tank (10 mins) then land it and try the tricks on the 2nd flight....   IDIOT.

Now we must wait until probably February 2010 until we order Rodrigo #3.  The plan for Rodrigo #3 is to put the HD camera back on board rodrigo and not use that little 640x480 camera.  The problem with the smaller camera was that during takeoff the lens quickly got covered by wet grass drastically reducing the quality of the footage.  Although it was nice having 2 cameras record the action we will need to use 2 HD cameras (that have larger lenses then the small 640x480 camera) so we can fully capture the event.

The Saga Continues...